

1.关于朱家角的英文介绍 请帮忙翻译一下


3.history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译


关于朱家角的英文介绍 请帮忙翻译一下








       Shanghai is located in east of China,next to Jiangsu Province.Shanghai is very famous in China and even all over the world.It is the biggest city in China.And it is the commercial center of China,too.People from south and north come to here for trip and shopping.I like Shanghai very much.I like the high buildings and the convenient transport.上海位于中国东部,毗邻江苏省.上海在中国甚至世界范围内都有很高的知名度.它是中国最大的城市,也是中国的商业中心.全国各地的人都来这里购物观光.我很喜欢上海,喜欢这里的高楼大厦,还有它便捷的交通.

history of shanghai 英文介绍,最好带中文翻译


       外滩 THE BUND

       豫园YU GARDEN 就是城隍庙拉

       南京路 nanjing road (walkway)


       七宝古镇 不知道

       佘山国家森林公园 sheshan rezort

       鲁迅公园 luxun park



       英语的:Where to go in Shanghai depends largely on your time period of interest.

       For Imperial China, check out the Yuyuan Gardens with interesting buildings but a bit too much tourist oriented.

       For 1930s Shanghai, head for the stately old buildings of the Bund. Or pay a visit to The French Concession (close Huai Hai Park).

       For 21st-century Shanghai, cross the river to gawp at the skyscrapers of Pudong.

       To find some peace, you should visit the Lknghua Temple. It takes a while to get there but it's not as busy as the Jade Buddha Temple and the experience is fulfilling. You can also have a nice vegetarian Buddhist meal in both Temples.

       History of Shanghai, China

       Shanghai began as a fishing village in the 11th century, but by the mid-18th century it was an important area for growing cotton and by the 1800s it was becoming the largest city in China. Foreigners came into Shanghai due to foreign trade after the Opium Wars. The British, along with the Americans and French, were allowed to live in certain territorial zones without being under the Chinese laws. As a result of all the foreigners, Shanghai became greatly influenced by Western culture, but things changed dramatically after Communism took over.

       During the 1900s, opium sales along with the gambling and prostitution that went with it brought in very big profits. After the end of Shanghai's subjugation by the Japanese, the Nationalist Chinese government was given control of the city. The foreigners no longer had control and by 1949, Shanghai was transformed by the Communist Chinese government.

       As the foreigners left, the businesses that were left behind were one by one taken over by the government. After losing ground during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, Deng Xiaopeng's open door policy allowed for the advancement back to being an international force in business and finance.

       Then in 1990s, Pudong developed quickly

       to become a new financial region in the east

       part of Shanghai. Shanghai will host the World

       Expo in 2010.

       上海历史上,中国上海开始作为渔村的11世纪,但在十八世纪中叶是一个重要的棉花种植面积和它的年代已成为中国最大的城市. 外国人来到上海后,由于外贸鸦片战. 英国与美国和法国,让生活在某些地区的领土不受到中国法律. 由于所有的外国人,上海成为西方文化的影响很大,但事情发生了巨大的变化后,共产主义接管. 在一九零零年,随着销售鸦片赌博和卖*,带着它带来很大的利润. 结束上海的'征服了日本国民,中国政府正考虑对城市的控制权. 外国人控制,不再有1949年将是上海的中共政府. 外国人留下的,商家留下一个个被政府接管. 经过处于下风文革从1966至1976年,邓小平邓小平的开放政策使'为促进回到作为国际商业及金融力量. 然后在90年代后,上海浦东发展迅速,成为一个新的经济区域是上海东方. 上海将主办2010年世界博览会.
