






       1,天涯海角游览区,The remotest corners of the globe





       3,鹿回头公园,Luhuitou Park


       4,西岛,West Island

       西岛又名玳瑁岛,位于三亚湾国家自然保护区内,全岛总面积 2.68平方公里。岛上风景秀丽,空气清新,沙滩柔和,海水清澈见底;环岛海域生长着大量美丽的珊瑚,保护完好。










       The Palace Museum is located on city center in Peking.China is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building cluster.It is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.

       The Palace Museum start to set up in A.D.1406, the Palace Museum he the size courtyard more than 90s and the house contain 980 and add up to 8704.the Palace Museum surroundings surround 12 meters in height, long the Palace Museum wall of 3400 meters, form is one rectangular city defense, there is 52 meter wide moat outside the wall surround, formation a fortress of severe barracks.The Palace Museum has 4 doors, center door Wu door, east door Donghua door, west door Xihua door, north door Shengwu door.



       Beijing Imperial Palace is a royal palace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, formerly known as the Forbidden City.

       It is 961 meters long from north to south, 753 meters wide from east to west, surrounded by 10 meters high walls, and 52 meters wide moat outside the city. It is really a golden city.


       The Forbidden City has four gates, the Meridian Gate in the south, the Shenwu gate in the north, the Donghua gate in the East and the Xihua gate in the West.

       In the four corners of the city wall, there is a graceful turret. There are 72 ridges of nine beams and eigh columns in the folk, which describe the complexity of its structure.


       The buildings in the Forbidden City are divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court.

       The center of the outer Dynasty is Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall, collectively referred to as the three halls, which are the places where the state holds grand ceremonies.

       The left and right wings of the three halls are supported by two groups of buildings: Wenhua hall and Wuying hall.


       The center of the inner court is Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace and Kunning palace, collectively referred to as the back three palaces, which are the main palace where the emperor and the empress live.

       Then there is the imperial garden. There are six palaces in the East and West on both sides of the rear three palaces, which are the places where the empresses live and rest.


       On the east side of the six Eastern Palaces is the temple of heen and other Buddhist buildings, and on the west side of the six Western palaces is the main hall and other Buddhist buildings.

       Besides the outer court and inner court, there are two parts of buildings, namely, the outer East Road and the outer West Road.









       The Palace Museum, formerly known as the Forbidden City, is the imperial palace of China's Ming and Qing dynasties, located at the center of Beijing's central axis.

       The Palace Museum in Beijing, with three main halls as the center, covers an area of about 720,000 square meters, with a building area of about 150,000 square meters.

       The Construction of the Forbidden City in Beijing began in the fourth year of Yongle (1406) and was completed in the 18th year of Yongle (1420).

       The Imperial Palace is arranged along a north-south axis, along which the three main halls, the latter three palaces and the imperial garden are located. And spread out to both sides, north and south straight, left and right symmetry.

       The Palace city is surrounded by 12 meters high and 3400 meters long palace wall, in the form of a rectangular city, surrounded by 52 meters wide moat outside the wall, forming a fortified castle.

       The Palace Museum has four gates. The main gate is called the Meridian Gate. Behind the meridian Gate are five marble arch Bridges leading to the Gate of Supreme Harmony. East gate name Donghuamen, west gate name Xihuamen, north gate name Shenwu Gate.

       The Imperial Palace in Beijing is one of the largest and best preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.

       The Imperial Palace in Beijing is a national AAAAA tourist attraction.

       In 1961, the Imperial Palace in Beijing was listed as one of the first national key cultural relics protection sites.

       The Forbidden City in Beijing was listed as a World cultural Heritage in 1987.
















       The imperial palace is the largest and most complete imperial palace in China, is the most magnificent ancient architectural complex in the world, has a history of nearly 600 years.

       The Forbidden City is China's Ming and qing dynasties 24 of the emperor's palace, the palace construction layout can be divided into the outer court and the imperial palace. The outer court is the place where the emperor held a ceremony and summoned the minister.

       Which building is the hall of supreme harmony, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, the three main halls of the mandarin house and hall of martial valor is divided on both sides. Imperial palace is the emperor to handle daily affairs and the harem concubines and young prince live, play, in the place of god.












       注:刺绣 embroidery





       1. 传统文化与现代文明的关系

       2. 民俗、民风、民族特色

       3. 文化担当与自信

       4. 文化传承与传播


       1. Lantern Festival 元宵节

       2. Embroidery 刺绣

       3. Double-Ninth Festival 重阳节

       4. Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

       5. paper cutting 剪纸

       6. Siheyuan/Quadrangle 四合院

       7. Warring States 战国

       8. Kunqu Opera 昆曲

       9. Flower Drum Song 花鼓戏

       10. Confucian culture 儒家文化

       11. Chinese knotting 中国结

       12. hot pot 火锅

       13. South Regions of the Yangtze River 江南

       14. Tang Poetry 唐诗

       15. Tang Dynasty 唐朝

       16. Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节

       17. lunar calendar 农历

       18. the Palace Museum 故宫博物院

       19. traditional Chinese festivals 中国传统节日

       20. protecting traditional Chinese culture 保护中国传统文化

       21. the four great inventions of ancient China 中国古代四明

       22. The Book of Songs/Classic of Poetry 《诗经》

       23. Records of the Grand Historian 《史记》

       24.The Story of the Stone 《红楼梦》

       25. Journey to the West 《西游记》


       Protecting Traditional

       Chinese Culture

       Protecting traditional Chinese culture is of great importance to China's cultural diversity, economic prosperity, and social development. The in Guangdong province has made it their mission to protect Chaoju (潮剧), a local form of drama that began in Chaozhou in eastern Guangdong.

       In my opinion, specific measures should be taken to protect traditional Chinese culture. To start with, we should make ropriate laws for everyone to follow. Also, we should educate people about the need to protect traditional culture. The more the public knows about it, the more support we can get.

       It's time that we start treasuring our own valuable culture.



       1. 科技创新的作用

       2. 科技改变生活

       3. 科技对民族、国家发展的作用


       1. innovation 创新

       2. science科学

       3. technology 技术

       4. shopping

       5. high-speed railway 高铁

       6. artificial intelligence(AI) 人工智能

       7. big data 大数据

       8. ability to innovate 创新能力

       9. scientific and technological innovation 科技创新

       10. scientific and technological progress 科学技术进步

       11. modernization of science and technology 科学技术现代化

       12. he a major influence on politics, the economy, and society 对政治、经济、社会有重要影响


       The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in people's lives.

       Modern technology makes life more convenient. Using the Internet is popular nowadays. Years ago, people had to look through a lot of information just to buy what they wanted. It was easy for people to spend too much time doing research and become tired as a result. Now, all you he to do is use the Internet. It's a piece of cake!

       With the development of science and technology, including high-speed transportation, video phones, and webcam meetings, the world has become smaller and smaller.

       We all hope that modern technology will continue to reach the highest level, because science and technology make life more enjoyable indeed.








       1. economy 经济

       2. development 发展

       3. prosperity 繁荣

       4. communicate with parents efficiently 和父母更高效地交流


       1、花山景区 1, Huashan Scenic Spots

       2、苗木生产区 2, seedling production areas

       3、烧烤场 3, barbecue

       4、拓展乐园 4, and expand park

       5、桃花园 5, Homecoming

       6、花山广场 6, Huashan Plaza

       7、动物欢乐谷 7, animals Hy Valley

       8、科普长廊 8, popular science promenade

       9、椰林大道 9, Yelindadao

       10、花花超市 10, Huahua Supermarket

       11、苏铁园 11, cycads Park

       12、果果乐园 12, fruits Paradise

       13、宝巾花园 13, Bougainvillea Garden

       14、棕榈园 14, Palm Park

       15、风味餐厅 15, the specialty restaurant

       16、办公生活区 16, the district office life

       17、古榕迎宾区 17, Hotel Guest Area

       18、厕所 18, the toilet

       19、大门区19 and the door area

       问题补充:忘了还有个植物迷宫!He added : forget that there botanical maze!

       植物迷宫!Plant maze!

       崂山Laoshan Mountain或Mt. Laoshan




       青岛植物园译为Qingdao Botanical Garden

       崂山Laoshan Mountain或Mt. Laoshan

       康有为故居Former Residence of Kang Youwei

       第一海水浴场译为NO.1 Bathing Beach

       银海游艇俱乐部译为Yinhai Yacht Club

       回澜阁译为Huilan Pilion

       大公岛译为 Dagong Island

       小西湖译为Little West Lake

       胶州湾大桥译为Jiaozhou Bay Bridge

       青岛栈桥译为Zhanqiao Pier

       天后宫译为Tianhou Temple

       石老人国际度区译为Stone Old Man International Holiday Resort

       青岛湾译为Qingdao Bay

       青岛港译为Qingdao Port

       浮山湾游轮港译为Fushan Bay Cruise Harbour

       汇泉广场译为Huiquan Square

       五四广场译为May Fouth Square
