热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写_热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写的

       接下来,我将为大家详细解析一下热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写的问题,希望我的回答可以解决大家的疑惑。下面,让我们来探讨一下热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写的话题。






热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写_热门旅游景点 英文怎么说怎么写的





        scenic spot

        英 [?si:n?k sp?t]

        美 [?sin?k spɑt]


        景区讲解 Presentation about Scenic Spots

        景区开发 scenic area exploitation

        著名景区 famous scenic spots

        景区管理 tourism district management

        景区环境 environment of scenic spot


        1. Protection of sites, habitats and landscapes is of uppermost priority.


        2. The Sun Yat - sen's Mausoleum area is a world - famous scenic spot.

        中山陵园风景区景色秀美,是享誉海内外的 世界级 景区.

        3. They flocked to the West Lake scenic area and downtown areas.


        4. The Pengyuan has totally five the view Districts is 22 beauty spots.


        5. Qingshui Bend is yet another major scenic spot of the area.


        6. Venue: Alu Ancient Cave Scenic Area of Luxi County.

        地点: 泸西县阿庐古洞景区.

        7. Walking a dozen kilometres upstream at the Fishing Bay.


        8. Can apple orchard in the area directly to Pakistani MTR ride.


        9. Hikers stop to take in the view at Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument.


        10. Grand View Park lake water around the whole area.


        11. Rent in the scenic spot provided Tibetan horses, enjoy a gallop.

        可在景区内租藏族同胞提供的马匹, 尽情驰骋一番.

        12. The above areas are not open. No visitors allowed.

        以上景区尚未开放, 请游客止步!

        13. Mashan Guling Cave is 117 km south to Nanning , capital of Guangxi province.

        马山古零神奇洞景区具有区位好、穴景观神奇 、 发潜力大、景好的特点.

        14. It is not allowed to tip waste in a nature reserve.


        15. The cement road to the scenic spot has been accomplished.


        景区用英文怎么说相关 文章 :

        1. 景点用英语怎么说

        2. 介绍景点的常用英语句子

        3. ?门票价格?英语怎么说

        4. 景点简单的英文介绍


       “景点”或“景区”一词是导游资料和导游词中经常出现的词,其原义是“风景美丽的地点(地区)”(英文是scenic spot或scenic area);但是,现在人们习惯把所有旅游者去看的地方都称为“景点”或“景区”,我们一些导游也不加区别通译成 scenic spot 或 scenic area。深圳“中国民俗文化村是一个(荟萃中国56个民族的民间艺术、民族风情和民居建筑于一园的)大型文化游览区”。这句话有人译成“The China Folk Culture Villageis alarge-scale cultural tourscenic area(comprising one gardenassembling folk arts, local conditions and customs and local-style dwelling houses of 56ethnic groups)”。深圳民俗文化村明明是一个“文化游览区”,怎么可以说成“scenic area”?广州越秀公园中山纪念碑下有一块市政园林局竖立的中英文标志:优秀管理景点;英文是“Excellently Managed Scenic Spot”;河源苏家围客家村里有很多中英文对照的路标,写着“下一景点:某某;Next Scenic Spot:...”。中山纪念碑、苏家围的苏公祠和光化堂又怎能说是scenic spot 呢?不要以为一个单词使用不当问题不大,如果导游带团去参观的是自由市场他也说“The next scenic spot we are going to see is a free market”那就是个不小的笑话了。所以,英语里表达相当于现在人们所说的“景点”的词有很多,必须根据不同情况采取不同的译法,例如:

       一、Tourist attraction(Sth. which attracts tourists):

       近年来盘龙峡已成为广东的一个热门的旅游景点。(In resent years, the Panlong Gorge has become a tourist attraction in Guangdong Province.)

       二、Tourist resort(a place visited frequently or by large numbers):

       a. 北带河是一个著名的海滨避暑圣地。(Beidaihe is a well-known seaside and summer resort.)

       b. 从化温泉是个疗养区。(The Conghua Hot Spring is a health resort.)

       三、 Destination(a place to which a person is going or which a person wants to reach.):

       我们半小时后上车前往下一个景点。(Half an hour later, we’ll meet in the bus and leave for the next destination.)

       四、 Sight(sth. worth seeing, esp. a place visited by tourists; a view of spectacle.):

       a. 去车站之前我们先看一两个景点。(Before going to the train station, we’ll see one or two sights in the city.)

       b. 美国的大峡谷是世界八大奇观之一。(The Grand Canyon in the United States is one of the eight sights of the world.)

       c. 羊城八景(The Eight Sights of the Goat City)

       d. 景点的讲解员也称“景点导游”,英文是“establishment guide”,不能说“scenic-spot guide”。



       一、读音:英?['si?n?ri],美?['si?n?ri]? ? 




       The scenery is beautiful beyond description.








       一、读音:英?[vju?],美?[vju?]? ? 



       v.?考虑;看;把 ... 视为


       The valley was hidden from view in the mist.








       旅游胜地的英文是tourist attraction。

       旅游胜地的英文是tourist attraction。旅游胜地的意思是旅游胜地是指知名度较高,具有一定特色,对旅游者产生较大吸引力的游览区或游览地。

tourist attraction造句


       Buckingham Palace is a major?tourist attraction.


       The resort is geared towards children.


       The walled city is an important?tourist attraction.


       Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel.


       The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort.


       旅游胜地英语:tourist attraction。


       1.Bali is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. (巴厘岛是印度尼西亚的热门旅游胜地。)

       2.The Great Barrier Reef is a must-see attraction in Australia. (大堡礁是澳大利亚必去的景点。)

       3.Paris is known as the city of love and is a top tourist destination in Europe. (巴黎被誉为爱情之城,是欧洲的热门旅游胜地。)

       4.The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder and a popular tourist spot in the United States. (大峡谷是自然奇观,也是美国的热门旅游胜地。)

       5.Tokyo is a vibrant city with a unique blend of modern and traditional culture, making it a popular tourist destination in Japan. (东京是一个充满活力的城市,融合了现代和传统文化,因此成为日本的热门旅游胜地。)

       6.The Pyramids of Giza are ancient wonders and a popular tourist attraction in Egypt. (吉萨金字塔是古老的奇迹,也是埃及的热门旅游胜地。)

       景点的英文:scenic spots

       scenic spots

       英文发音:[?si?n?k sp?ts]



       Now I understand this is one of Kanas Lake's scenic spots, Yueliang ( Moon) Lake.







       This is an extremely scenic part of America.






       Not surprisingly, it's one of the world's top spots for divers.






       中文释义:n. 风景;景色;舞台布景


       But what about its scenery?




       中文释义:adv. 布景地;风景优美地


       The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically


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