








       Hi Tom,

       Im sooooo exciting!im travelling with my parents in new zealand!

       this is my first time to go to oversea. everything is sooo great!

       we have been to many place in nz. by the way, the hot spring is wonderful.




       Dear Tom,

       Long time no hearing from you. I went to New Zealand with my parents for vacation. It;s really an impressive travel, and I think it will be unforgettable for my whole life.

       As you know, it's my first tme of foreign travel, and there are many great famous scenery in New Zealand. We have viewed many sights during this vacation, and also took many photos which I'd like to share with you. New Zealand is also famous for it's delicious local food, we enjoyed much of them such as mutton, Kiwi dry and its local grape wine.

       New Zealand is really a good place for releasing someoneself. I really enjoyed this whole tourism, and I hope I can be there many more times if possible.

       So how about your holiday?

       I am looking forward to getting your reply.

       Li Hua



       最好旅行计划,在旅游的时候才能玩的尽兴。那么关于旅行计划的 英语 作文 应该怎么写呢?下面是我精心挑选的,关于旅行计划的英语作文,供大家阅读。


        My father and I have a travel paln.We will go to Australia this winter.We will have a great time.First day,we are going to Sydney Opera House.I think It is very beautiful and there are many visitors.

        And then we will visit Sydney Bridge.It is really long and grand.At the end of the day,we are going to Sydney Harbour.We will very happy.We can eat some famous snacks.They must be delicous.What a wonderful travel paln!


        Hello,I?m Sun Wenzhe.I?m from Dushanzi.Look at my family?s travel plan.We are going to stay in America for two weeks. NewYord is famous for the many biuldings.

        In the first week,we are going to visit NewYord Los Angeles andWashington.D.C I know the United States Capital is in London. Is a famous building in Washington.D.C The second week,we are going to visit Saipan San Francisco and Las Vegas.I know the Grand teton is a famous building in Las Vegas.I hear it is a very beautiful.Can you tell me something more about NewYord、Los Angeles Las Vegas andother places?


        Hello,I?m Ye Xucheng. Let me tell you about my travel plan. I?m going to Chengdu during this summer holidays. I will stay in Chengdu for one month. The weather in Chengdu is hotter than that in Xinjiang. But there are much delicious food. And I can play water park in Chengdu. I know the Qingcheng Mountain is near Chengdu.

        If you in the Qingcheng Mountain, you will feel so cool.

        My parents and I all like Chengdu. How about yours?


        Hello! I am Annie. My family is going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday, we are going to visit my uncle. I am going to play with my cousin, Huang Ziqi. Then, in the evening, we're going to go home.

        On Sunday afternoon, we're going to the supermarket. We are going after lunch.

        Then, in the evening, I am going to do homework. That will be fun! What's your family's plan for this weekend? Can you tell me, please?


        Hello, I am Fan Rong. I am from China . This is my family?s travel plan. We are going in to travel around China during the summer holidays. We are going to stay in China for two weeks. In the first week , We are going to visit Chengdu, Beijing, Yunnan and Sanya. I know the Emei Mountain and Dujiang Weir are in Chengdu.

        It is very spectacular and beautiful. The second week ,we are going to Shanghai, Qingdao, Kunming and Jiangsu. I know the stone forest is in Kunming. I hear it is very beautiful. This is a exciting travel !


        Good morning,everyone!My name is Ji Zhe.I?m from China.Now let me tell you about my family?s travel pian.We are going around Thailand.We are going to stay at Thailand for two weeks.In the first week,we are going to Bangkok.I know the Grand Palace is in Bangkok.I hear it is interested Palace.

        The second week,weare going to Chiang mai and Island ofphuket.My mum tell me Chiang mai is the second largest city in Thailand. I'm looking forward to the trip.Can you tell me you travel plan?


        I have a travel plan.I?m going to be in the Shaihai from January eighteenth to the twenty-fifth.I?m going to buy some clothes and books.I?m going to be in the Chouzhou from January twenty-sixth to the thirty-first.I?m going to visit my grandma .

        I?m going to be in the Guangzhou from February first to the fifteenth.I?m going to Disney Land.


        1. 我的旅行计划英语范文3篇

        2. 关于暑假去旅行计划英语作文

        3. 暑假旅游计划英语作文

        4. 小学暑假计划英文作文



       Last summer I went to Vietnam with my parents. We stayed at a small village outside Saigon. The air and water was very clean and there were many kids playing in the mud along with water buffalos. Though it’s a very poor country, the kids seem to be happy. They live with their farmer parents in little houses built with dirt and straw and help out a lot in the rice field during the day. They don’t have TVs or Internet, but they enjoy a lot playing outside. It was a very memorable trip that I will never forget.




        为完美旅程做准备Preparing For A Perfect Journey

       Beautiful landscapes, exotic cultures and a relaxing time all contribute to the perfect journey. Journey can bring us much happiness, people all think about how wonderful their journey will be, but the preparation is also a fun part of one’s trip.



       Liu is a college student, he went to travel to Tibet last week, “thinking about my experiences of travel, it’s the preparation beforehand that helps me a lot, I keep an enduring memory.” Liu says. We know preparation before the journey is very important, it ensures people safety, at the same time, people can have fun. What should people prepare for?

       刘是一名大学生,他上周去 *** 旅游,“想到我的旅游经验,提前的准备给我带来了很大的帮助,我留下了难忘的回忆。”刘说。我们知道在旅游前做准备是很重要的,这能确保人们的安全,同时,人们可以享受乐趣。人们应该准备什么呢?

       People should sketch a detailed route taking into account first. They need to check out their route very clearly, so they won’t lose their way. The second is to book the hotel earlier, make sure there is available room for you when you go to the place, if people don’t do it, sometimes there will be no room left. The third is to check out the weather during your journey, to make sure it fits your journey.


       Preparation before journey is of importance, it decides how much fun you will share, so don’t ignore it.


        良好的生活态度 A Good Life Attitude

       Life is posed of plex things and emotions, but sometimes a good life attitude can change a lot, showing a different world for everyone. We all know that taking the college entrance examination is one of the most important things for a person’s whole life. Of course, high school students will under great pressure. So, how to treat it properly before and after the exam is very important. My opinions are as following.


       First of all, keeping a good life attitude is helpful for college entrance exam. As everyone regards it as so important and students themselves also put so much effort on it, they are surely stressful when it is ing. Some cannot fall asleep, some cannot think, and some cannot memorize things well because they are too nervous. As a result, they may not perform well in the exam. However, if they can keep a usual mind, they maybe at their best to get a good mark.


       In addition, after the high school entrance examination, keeping a good lift attitude is very important. Having experienced so stressful study for a long time, some students start to indulge themselves. Some may be very lazy and some may do some crazy things to relax. However, it turns out that their behavior will ruin themselves at last. If they have a good life attitude, they would relax themselves in a proper way not excessive.


       In a word, keeping a good life attitude is significant and helpful in everyone’s whole life.


        旅游景点的保护和拯救 Protection and Rescue of Tourist Attractions

       Over the past decades, we have seen a conspicuously soaring number of international tourists visiting a diversity of tourist attractions. At the same time, I am despondent to discover that the positions of cultural heritages and natural attractions are jeopardized severely.


       According to a recent report conducted by Thames, the well-known vacation resort-- Mediterranean is getting close to a toilet, posing a disastrous hazard of getting infected by bacteria to visitors who swim in the sea. What’s more deleterious, the famous fresco and sculptures in Sistine Cathedral located in Vatican was eroded and rotten by heat emitted from visitors. Apart from that, pared with the number that 14 people went down the Colorado River in USA twenty years ago, the present visitors aggregate to over one thousand, making the river much more congested.


       It is high time that we should place some regulations to protect tourist attractions. The primary proposal came up in my mind is that, local government should carry out more rigid laws banning mi *** ehavior in tourist attractions such as doodling and spitting arbitrarily. In the second place, it is undeniable that restriction on the number of tourists can make a difference. Keeping the flow of visitors under control will undoubtedly exert beneficial influence on cultural heritages such as the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.

       现在真的是我们应当出台保护旅游景点管理条例的时候了。我脑中浮现的第一个解决措施就是让当地的 *** 出台更加严格的法律条例来惩治旅游景点内旅客的品行不端,如随手涂鸦和随地吐痰。第二,可以肯定的说限制旅客数量也会产生重大意义。保持旅客数量在控制范围之内必然会对诸如紫禁城,长城这类文化遗产祈祷好的影响。

       Last but not least, the rising awareness of acting morally is also a necessity. Only with more citizens attaching crucial significance to the living condition of tourist attractions can we solve this conundrum from its foundation.

       最后但不是最次要的一点是人们增强文明表现的意识也必不可少。只有当更多的公民能重视旅游景点的现状,我们才能真正从根本上解决这一问题。 ?

       This summer vocation,I went to Mount Emei with my parents.As you know,there is a famouns saying:Mount Emei is the most beautiful place in the world.We planned to go there just to say why people to praise it like this.The bus of our travel agency stopped in the middle of the montain.The guide told us we had two ways to the top:to take cable or to go up the stones stairs.My faily wanted to climb up the steps.We found so many visitors on the steps up with us.Aha,foreigners,so many foreigners there as well!My parents advised me to speak English with them.Unfortunately,they were from France .They could speak English,but their pronuonciation was too strange to understand.Well ,we could find many temples there.The monks all serious, each templs had some status of Buddhas.Some travellers were burning incenses,hmm,almost all of them seemed yellow race,I thought they were Chinese.Wow,Moneys,so many monkeys!The guide told us just to grasp our bags tightly,or the monkeys would take bags and run away.I saw a monkey take a foreigner's camera and flee.About three hours later,we got to the top,The room there was too expensive.Parents told me we could see the sunrise,sometimes we could see our shadows on the Buddha's Light.The next very moring,the guide waked me up from the dream.it was sad that I didn't see my shadow becouse it was cloudy that day.Mont Emei,really beautiful and interesting.You'd better go there as well.这个暑假,父母带我去峨眉山玩儿。人们常说:峨眉天下秀。我也想看看峨眉山究竟秀在哪儿。旅行社的车子带我们到了半山,前面没有公路了。导游告诉我们说,可以乘坐索道也可以走石阶上金顶。我们一家人决定走上去。一路上游人如织,你还会看到许许多多的外国人也在这里来旅游。我们就看到了一大队外国人,父母鼓励我上去用英语和他们交流,很遗憾,他们是法国人。老实说,他们的英语说得很烂,我几乎听不懂。山上有很多寺庙,庙里的和尚都板着脸。每座庙都拱了一些佛像,我看到好多人都在烧香,从皮肤上看几乎都是黄种人,我想他们应该是中国人吧。有一段路上,你回看到好多猴子在石阶上走来走去。导游让我们抓牢随身携带的旅行包,不然猴子们抢着就跑,我亲眼看见他们把一个老外的照相机抢跑了。大约三个小时后,我们上了山顶,父母决定就在山上住下来可以第二天看日出,据说有时候还能在佛光中看到自己的倒影。第二天大清早天还没亮,导游就把我从睡梦里叫醒了。好遗憾,那天是阴天,没有佛光。不管怎么讲,峨眉山确实是一个很美黑有趣的地方,您有机会也去一去。
